Last week I published a comprehensive guide to teaching online due to school closures on The Edublogger. There’s something for everyone whether you’re just planning for school closures or are in the midst of teaching online.
Find Free Images For Students On Photos For Class (With How-To Posters)

Photos For Class is a great site to find free images. It can be used by students under 13 and they don’t need to worry about attribution. My printable PDF posters offer step-by-step instructions for teachers and students to use in the classroom.
Top Takeaways From TeachTechPlay 2018

I’ve just returned from two fabulous full days of learning at the TeachTechPlay conference. I share my top takeaways from some of the local and international educators I connected with.
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The Unspoken Workflow of the “Tech Savvy”

A humorous flowchart about how to be a ‘tech expert’ has got me thinking about how we are making learning visible in the classroom and how we are encouraging risk taking.
Are Blogs Dead?

I am often asked about the future of blogging in education. This post explains how blogging is alive and well, yet is evolving.
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A Life Our Students Will Never Know
Over the holidays, while attempting to be less “connected”, I’ve been thinking about how much technology seems to be increasingly infused into our day-to-day lives. With laptops, smart phones, iPads, iPods and other portable devices becoming so common place, gadgets are no longer something we go to, they come with us. This clearly brings about […]
Quality over Quantity
I’ve been thinking about how important quality over quantity often is when it comes to effective teaching and learning with blogging, global collaboration and technology. Here are some thoughts… It’s not about how many blogging buddies your class has but about having deep and ongoing connections with classes that you can learn with and from. It’s […]
Doing Things the Long Way
In many ways, technology can be time saving. Especially if you know the best way to use it! Yesterday I attended and presented at the 2011 VITTA (Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association) Conference. One of the sessions I attended was run by Andrew and Beverly from Mitcham Primary School. They gave a terrific presentation about […]
Looking Back 2004-2011
I finished university at the end of 2003 and started teaching in January 2004. Like all graduate teachers, the beginning of my teaching career was a steep learning curve. Fortunately, I felt like I had a lot of role models around me on staff. As I embarked on my career, I remember thinking a lot […]
Blogging and Students with Austism Spectrum Disorders
When I first started blogging with my class in 2008, I thought it would be a bit of fun and a good way to communicate with parents. Over the years, I have come to realise that the benefits are much more than this and the more benefits I unravel, the more I am encouraged to […]
2011 School Year Begins
Today was the first day back at school for teachers in Victorian Government Schools. All schools are spending the first three days on professional development and planning. This year my school is focussing on in-house professional development. Each Monday night teachers will be presenting on Literacy, Numeracy and ICT. I am in charge of ICT […]
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Follow Up: Overcoming Obstacles
In my last post, I wrote about some common obstacles that teachers put forward as to why they don’t blog or use technologies in their classrooms. I discussed lack of time, lack of equipment, lack of keyboarding skills and internet safety along with possible solutions to these issues. The comments on this post were very […]
Could You Teach Without Technology?
In November last year I wrote a blog post about how I was missing my interactive whiteboard (IWB). My projector had broken and I was without it for all of Term Four. My classroom program suddenly became less authentic, less personalised and less engaging for both the students and myself. Ironically, the same thing has […]
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Teaching and Learning ICT Skills Incidentally
Last night I was reading Edna Sackson’s latest post which focusses on subjects that are still often taught in a separate way in schools rather than in an integrated manner. One of these subjects is technology. At most primary schools in Australia, children go off with a specialist teacher to a computer lab one hour […]
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010
Jane Hart, a social business consultant, and founder of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies, has been compiling a list of the top 100 tools for learning since 2007. The 2010 list is currently being compiled and you can view the full list here – Emerging Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010. Interestingly, you […]