International Dot Day is coming up around September 15. Find out how you can get involved with your students and learn what I’m doing to connect and celebrate the day. I also share 5 steps to starting your own team blogging project.
Linda Yollis
How To Connect with Other Classes Around the World Through Blogging

Global competency is a must for our students! This post outlines dos and don’ts for teachers looking to connect their students with other classes around the world through blogging.
Global Project Idea: Two Truths and One Lie

I recently came up with a global project idea that is so versatile it could work with any age group or subject area. Why not give it a try?
Benefits of Blogging by Linda Yollis and Class
My good friend in Los Angeles, Linda Yollis, recently created this excellent video with her second and third grade class about the benefits of blogging. This video may give you more of an insight into what you could get out of blogging with your students, or you might like to share it with your staff. […]
Free Online PD: Learn About Blogging and Global Collaboration
In June I travelled to the USA to present at the ISTE conference with my long time blogging buddy, Linda Yollis. Read more about it here. If you weren’t at ISTE and would like to see our presentation, Linda and I are joining together for an online professional development webinar next week. What: Tech Talk Tuesdays […]
ISTE 2012 – What an Experience!
Six weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to win the Victorian Teachers Mutual Bank Outstanding Primary Teacher Award. This award has partially allowed me to attend the ISTE conference in San Diego, California and meet some of my international blogging buddies face to face. Meeting Mrs Yollis! When I arrived in the USA, my long term blogging […]
Eight Weeks ’til ISTE!
Today marks eight weeks until I’ll be at ISTE! For those who haven’t heard, ISTE is the International Society of Technology in Education‘s Annual Conference. The conference is one of the world’s biggest for educational technology and this year it will be held in San Diego. There will be over 700 sessions held over four […]
Fun and Games
So many rewards can come out of connections made through blogging and global collaboration. I love watching my students learn about literacy, maths, geography, technology, history and all sorts of things about life around the world with their blogging buddies. It is such an authentic and memorable way to learn. Last November when we were […]