International Dot Day is coming up around September 15. Find out how you can get involved with your students and learn what I’m doing to connect and celebrate the day. I also share 5 steps to starting your own team blogging project.
Join Me For The Student Blogging Challenge!

Want your students to learn about blogging while connecting with others around the globe? You might want to join me for the next 10 week Student Blogging Challenge beginning October 7. It’s free and it’s fun!
Student Blogging Challenge Guest Post: Digital Citizenship

This is a guest post for the classes and students participating in the Student Blogging Challenge. It offers a choice of three activities to learn about digital citizenship. Even if your students aren’t taking part in the challenge, they are welcome to try the activities and leave a comment!
I’m Back in the Blogosphere!

After two children and a bit of a blogging hiatus, I’m back! And I have an exciting new role ahead in the blogging world. What are you up to?
Getting Started with Global2
Yesterday I ran a professional development day for teachers called Technify Your Teaching in 2013. While my colleagues Matt Limb and Simon Collier ran sessions on iDevices, Google Apps, Evernote and web 2.0 tools, I presented workshops on blogging with my team teaching partner, Kelly Jordan. One of our sessions was on setting up your […]
Edublog Awards – Please Vote!
The Edublog Awards have been running since 2004 and showcase some of the most popular blogs in education around the world. The purpose of the Edublog Awards is to promote and demonstrate the educational values of blogging. This is something I really believe in! Voting is now open for the 2012 awards and my students […]
Five Steps to Starting a Class Blog
I have revised the posts I have written in the past to create a nine page, five step guide to beginning a class blog. Feel free to view, print or download the document to help you get started on your blogging journey. Five Steps to Starting a Class Blog If you’re having trouble with the […]
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The Edublog Awards – Vote for us!
The Edublog Awards have been running since 2004 and showcase some of the most popular blogs in education around the world. The purpose of the Edublog Awards is to promote and demonstrate the educational values of blogging. This is something I really believe in! There were many cheers of delight in 2KM and 2KJ today […]
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15 Blogging Tips for Students and Teachers
This post was originally published last year as 10 Blogging Tips for Students and Teachers. Note: I no longer update this website. As I regularly help students and other teachers set up their blogs, I find myself giving lots of little tips that I have picked up on my own blogging journey. My list of […]
Guest Post about Twitter on PLN Challenge
As I have blogged about before, Edublogs supports a Student Blogging Challenge and Teacher Blogging Challenge which are two excellent forms of free professional development. The current Teacher Blogging Challenge is called “30 Days to a Whole New PLN”. There will be two or three posts each week about setting up, enhancing, and participating in […]
Blogging and the Ultranet
Note: this is not a critique of the Ultranet, rather it is advice on choosing the best platform for your students to get the most out of blogging. Over the past few months I have been approached by countless teachers asking for help and advice with the same issue… Their school leadership has told them […]
Five Steps to Starting a Class Blog
The school year began in Victoria, Australia last week. Many teachers have been thinking about the benefits of having a class blog and are keen to start their own class blog. I’ve been getting lots of questions about the process of starting a blog so I thought I would write a post to help get […]
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Edublog Awards – Voting is Open!
I was flattered to discover that my blogs have been nominated for the 2010 Edublogs Awards. Voting is now open and ends on Tuesday December 14th. Please lodge your votes! Only one vote per IP address is allowed to keep things honest. You can lodge a vote in all categories. ************* This blog, Integrating Technology […]
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2010 Edublog Awards: Nominations
The 2010 Edublog Awards are open for nomination. These awards, now in their seventh year, celebrate… …the achievements of edubloggers, twitterers, podcasters, video makers, online communities, wiki hosts and other web based users of educational technology. Here are the awards I would like to nominate for 2010: Best individual blog: What Ed Said by Edna […]
Setting Up Student Blogs
Update – I wrote a new post about the process for setting up student blogs on 15th January 2012. Click here to find it. Last term, I set up blogs for two of my Grade Two students. This week, I have been busy working with three more students setting up their individual blogs. These are […]