I’ve been asked a few questions lately about setting up student blogs so I thought it would be timely to update my post from 2010 about the process I use. 2012 will be the fifth year that I have been blogging with my class and the fourth year that I have had some student blogs. […]
Quality Blogging and Commenting Meme
If you are interested in educational blogging, Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano has written an outstanding series of posts on her Langwitches Blog. It is called Learning About Blogs FOR Your Students and covers seven areas: Part I: Reading Part II A: Writing Part II B: Student Writing Part III: Commenting Part IV: Connecting Part V: Reciprocating […]
School is out for 2011
2011 has been a fabulous year! In true “Kathleen Morris style”, I have taken on a lot and juggled many different pursuits, but it is all worthwhile to reflect on what has been achieved. Some of my 2011 highlights include: Global Collaborative Projects – I LOVE working on global projects with my students. Some of […]
Reflection on Our World, Our Stories
The Our World, Our Stories project has come to an end this week. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of 2011 for my class. My grade two students worked with classes in the USA, Canada, Belize, New Zealand and Ghana to share their stories and learn about how others live. We used […]
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The Edublog Awards – Vote for us!
The Edublog Awards have been running since 2004 and showcase some of the most popular blogs in education around the world. The purpose of the Edublog Awards is to promote and demonstrate the educational values of blogging. This is something I really believe in! There were many cheers of delight in 2KM and 2KJ today […]
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Memorable Student Blogging Moment
Bianca is a grade three student who I introduced to blogging last year. She is definitely a success story, having produced weekly posts on BB’s Awesome Blog for a year and a half now. That’s 86 posts! Her success is partially due to the fabulous support of her family. Bianca has a solid following from […]
Grade Two Students Blogging with Purpose in the Local Community
Last week, Kelly Jordan and I were approached by our local radio station, Bay FM. They were interested in the way our grade two students were blogging and wanted to talk to us about joining forces for a special project. After meeting with Patrick from Bay FM, we decided that our students would be regular […]
Are You On Twitter Yet?
Earlier this year, Kelly Jordan and I gave a few presentations on using Twitter for educators at various events. If you’re not yet on Twitter, read this post to find out some reasons why you should be. Confused about the Twitter language? Hopefully this brief explanation will help. Need more tips? Check out my post […]
QuadBlogging Video
QuadBlogging is something I have blogged about here earlier this year. The term QuadBlogging was coined by David Mitchell. The concept: four blogging classes come together and learn about one another one week at a time. Each week a different blog in the quad is the focus and the other three classes take the time […]
Start Your Own Global Project: A 10 Step Guide
![10 steps to starting your own global project](https://www.kathleenamorris.com/files/2011/10/andrew-butler-325931-unsplash-24vhs0h-330x220.jpg)
Like the idea of connecting with classes overseas? This 10 step guide shows you how to easily set up your own global project so your students can learn from and with others from all corners of the globe.
Our World, Our Stories
Next week, my class will be joining in with many of their “blogging buddies” from around the world in a new global project. This project is called Our World, Our Stories and the blog http://ourworldourstories.edublogs.org/ will be our central meeting place. After months of planning, we look forward to launching this seven week project on […]
Benefits of Educational Blogging Video
The benefits of educational blogging is something I have discussed many times on this blog. Kelly Jordan and I regularly speak to teachers at our school and around the world about blogging. Rather than us always selling the benefits we decided to make this video with our students to highlight some of the advantages of […]
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Attracting Blog Comments
There is no denying that students get a lot more out of blogging when they receive comments. Comments provide feedback, encouragement, advice, positive reinforcement, learning, conversation and new ways of thinking among other things. 2012 is the fifth year I have been blogging with my class and I have learnt that there are some tips […]
The Power of Twitter
In the last few weeks Kelly Jordan and I have been speaking to teachers and school leaders at the VITTA conference, ICON conference and our own school about the power of Twitter. In our presentation we shared how we use Twitter every day as a form of ongoing, personalised and invaluable professional development. We stressed […]
New Blog by Shawn Avery: Tech Tutorials
One member of my PLN who I have formed a strong connection with is Shawn Avery (aka @mr_avery). Shawn is a 6th grade teacher in Massachusetts and his class blog is http://mravery.edublogs.org Shawn has some excellent ideas for integrating technology in the classroom and has done some inspiring work with movie making (check out his […]