I was flattered to discover that my blogs have been nominated for the 2010 Edublogs Awards. Voting is now open and ends on Tuesday December 14th. Please lodge your votes! Only one vote per IP address is allowed to keep things honest. You can lodge a vote in all categories. ************* This blog, Integrating Technology […]
After Effects of the Ugandan Global Project
As I have previously blogged about, the Ugandan Global Project involved six grade two and three classes working together to raise money for a Ugandan School. We raised $20,000 and all students students involved in the project developed enormously both on an academic and personal level. Click here to read part one explaining the project. […]
Getting Parents Involved in Blogging
Note: since writing this post, I have created a more detailed guide to helping parents connect with your class blog. Find it here on the Teacher Blogging Challenge site. *************** One of the many benefits of having a class blog is the strengthening of home-school relationships. A class blog can provide a virtual window into […]
Could You Teach Without Technology?
In November last year I wrote a blog post about how I was missing my interactive whiteboard (IWB). My projector had broken and I was without it for all of Term Four. My classroom program suddenly became less authentic, less personalised and less engaging for both the students and myself. Ironically, the same thing has […]
How Has Teaching Changed?
If you’re a teacher who is trying to encourage other staff to use ICT, you have probably heard this before? When do I have the time to learn about this? Learning through Twitter, blogs, online conferences etc is just part of my day-to-day life as I have described in this post. This is extremely foreign […]
Global Education Conference Presentation
This week (Thursday/Friday), Linda Yollis will be presenting about our Ugandan Global Project at the Global Education Conference. This is a free online conference for anyone around the world. The session is held in Elluminate. The goal of the conference is to help everyone make connections with other educators and students in order to increase […]
- Blogging
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2010 Edublog Awards: Nominations
The 2010 Edublog Awards are open for nomination. These awards, now in their seventh year, celebrate… …the achievements of edubloggers, twitterers, podcasters, video makers, online communities, wiki hosts and other web based users of educational technology. Here are the awards I would like to nominate for 2010: Best individual blog: What Ed Said by Edna […]
Ugandan Global Project Update
As I have previously blogged about here and here, my grade two class has been working with five other classes around the world on a Ugandan Global Project. We worked on a blog together to learn about Uganda and the nationalities involved, and completed a run/walk fundraiser to raise money for the ABC Divine Foundation […]
Emailing Parents
For the last three years, my class blog has been a great way to communicate with parents. The blog acts as a window into our class and the parents can stay up to date with our activities and achievements. This year, I’ve introduced a parent email newsletter which has been well received. At the start […]
PD: Blogging Isn’t Just for Big Kids
Next Tuesday night I’m going to be the guest on Tech Talk Tuesdays online professional development (PD). This is a weekly Elluminate PD run by Anne Mirtschin through DEECD. The topic is: Blogging Isn’t Just for Big Kids I will cover some of the following in regard to blogging with my grade 2 class. •How […]
- General News
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RSA Animate – Changing Education Paradigms
Last year, Sir Ken Robinson was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal by the Royal Society of Arts in London. Accepting the award, he gave a talk on Changing Paradigms in Education. The RSA has produced a animated version of highlights of the talk. This is a video I had heard about on Twitter and on […]
Learn It In 5: Instructional Videos
Last week’s Tech Tools for Teachers was about the site Learn It In 5. Click here to read the newsletter. “Learn it in 5 is a powerful library of how-to videos, produced by technology teachers, for the purpose of helping teachers and students create classroom strategies for today’s 21st century’s digital classroom. These step-by-step how-to […]
Editing Students’ Blog Comments
Recently, a teacher asked my opinion about editing students’ writing on blogs She said “We are having a debate in our primary school at the moment – to what extent should we correct spelling/grammar in posts or comments by students? Our principal sees the posts as a finished product which reflect on our school, while […]
10 Blogging Tips for Students and Teachers
As I work with students and other teachers on setting up blogs, I find myself giving them lots of little tips that I have picked up over my own blogging journey. Many of these ideas have originally come from some of my blogging “mentors” such as Linda Yollis and Sue Waters. Here are 10 12 […]
Setting Up Student Blogs
Update – I wrote a new post about the process for setting up student blogs on 15th January 2012. Click here to find it. Last term, I set up blogs for two of my Grade Two students. This week, I have been busy working with three more students setting up their individual blogs. These are […]