These 12 tips will help keep your teacher-parent email exchanges professional, productive, and positive. Summary poster included!
Tech Skills
10 Productivity Tips For Teachers (And Students)

Want to learn how to manage your time better, be more productive, and get more out of your day with less stress? This post outlines some of my favourite productivity tips. I’d love to hear yours!
- Teaching
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The Unspoken Workflow of the “Tech Savvy”

A humorous flowchart about how to be a ‘tech expert’ has got me thinking about how we are making learning visible in the classroom and how we are encouraging risk taking.
Windows 7 Features I Love
I’ve been using Windows 7 for eighteen months now. I felt a bit silly when I finally decided to learn how to use one of Windows 7 most advertised features the other day- the “Snap” feature to display two windows side by side. It looks great! This discovery made me think about the large number […]
Top 10 Email Tips
Email is something many people have been using for 10-15 years now. I remember first getting an email address in 1999 although the way I use email has changed dramatically since then. I would never have thought of checking my emails over breakfast in 1999 yet now my breakfast email session is ingrained into my […]
Using Downloaded Fonts
For almost as long as I have been using Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, I have enjoyed downloading a range of fonts to enhance the appearance of my presentations or documents. A couple of people have asked me lately how to use downloaded fonts. This post is an overview. I’m sure many people agree Times New […]
Tech Tools for Teachers is Back!
ABOUT TECH TOOLS FOR TEACHERS Simon Collier and I began a free e-newsletter for educators called Tech Tools for Teachers in January 2010. Each edition of the e-newsletter highlights an online tool or site that can be used in the classroom and provides step-by-step instructions on how to use it. Tech Tools for Teachers is […]
- Teaching
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Standards for Graduate Teachers in ICT
Today I was lucky enough to be part of a small group of innovative educators from around Australia at a focus group in Melbourne. We were reviewing the Graduate Teacher Standards of the National Professional Standards for Teachers and elaborating on these in regards to ICT integration. These standards were developed as part of a […]
- Blogging
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Follow Up: Overcoming Obstacles
In my last post, I wrote about some common obstacles that teachers put forward as to why they don’t blog or use technologies in their classrooms. I discussed lack of time, lack of equipment, lack of keyboarding skills and internet safety along with possible solutions to these issues. The comments on this post were very […]
- Teaching
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Google Doc: Incidental ICT Skills
My last post was about ICT Skills that can be taught incidentally. Ian Guest left a terrific comment with the suggestion that I make a list of these incidentals that people can contribute to. I have started a public Google Doc spreadsheet with the “incidentals” that I suggested and others suggested in comments on the […]
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Teaching and Learning ICT Skills Incidentally
Last night I was reading Edna Sackson’s latest post which focusses on subjects that are still often taught in a separate way in schools rather than in an integrated manner. One of these subjects is technology. At most primary schools in Australia, children go off with a specialist teacher to a computer lab one hour […]