I am currently in the process of introducing my new Grade Two students to blogging. As this is a new concept for many students and parents I have prepared two handouts to send home to families. They are an Introduction to Blogging note and Guide to Getting the Most out of 2KM’s blog note. Feel […]
Blogging in 2010
The school year begins here on the 1st February and for the third year, I will embark on the blogging journey with my new Grade Two class. As my class will still be called 2KM, I have decided to keep my 2009 2KM blog and customise it to my 2010 class. If you are setting […]
Teaching Technology Post “Noughties”
For a while now I have been questioning the curriculum that is seen in many primary school I.T/ICT/Technology/Computer classes. Many primary school students spend an hour each week in a computer lab learning about Office programs and the like….”how to make a PowerPoint, Word Document, Photo Story etc”. Now that we have left the “noughties”, […]
Christmas Sites for Primary Classrooms
As we’re now getting into “Christmas mode” at school, here are some sites that might be useful in the primary classroom. Primary Games has a wide range of flash style Christmas games for kids. Great to use on an IWB or classroom computer. North Pole is a great site for kids and teachers. There are stories, games and […]
Google Wave
Google Wave is the next big thing by Google that is currently released as a “preview” for people to try. It has been said to be a mix between email, wikis and instant messenger and has some excellent functions for collaboration. This short video is worth watching to get an overview of what Google Wave […]
Missing my IWB!
Two weeks ago the projector for my Interactive Whiteboard stopped working and I am missing it! It’s been over 12mths since I got my Promethean IWB and I have gradually integrated it into my teaching to the point of using it for most lessons with my Grade Two students. Without the IWB, the atmosphere in […]