QuadBlogging is something I have blogged about here earlier this year.
The term QuadBlogging was coined by David Mitchell.
The concept: four blogging classes come together and learn about one another one week at a time. Each week a different blog in the quad is the focus and the other three classes take the time to visit and comment on their blog.
Earlier this year, Linda Yollis, Jonah Salsich, Judy McKenzie, Kelly Jordan and I all decided we’d make our own quad.
*Mrs. Yollis’ Classroom Blog, California, U.S.A.*
*Open the Door to B-4 in New Zealand*
*Mr. Salsich Class Blog, Connecticut, U.S.A*
*2KM and 2KJ in Australia *
This works really well and we wanted to share the message with other classes. Teachers and students from all four classes got together recently to collaborate on a video about QuadBlogging. We used the tool Sliderocket which was easy to use and effective.
Thanks to Linda Yollis who put the final product together!
Awesome stuff Kathleen!
I can’t wait to do some classblogging next year with my year 7/8 class. We might be knocking on your door for some advice from the blogging pros!
@ Stef – thanks for your comment. I bet you just can’t wait to get your own class!
Dear Mrs Morris,
Great post.
I loved the idea of the post.
I also love the video it was great.
Your student,
@ Millie, thanks for your comment and for helping with the video!
Your teacher,
Mrs Morris
@ Mrs Morris,
I really like your video that you made with some sturdents in 2KM and 2KJ.
I have a blog post up about when I went to California I put a link to Mrs.Yollis class blog.
Here is my blog link,
Again,I really like your video that you made with some sturdents in 2KM and 2KJ.
Your sturdent,
Thanks for letting me know about your new post. I have left a comment!
Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs Morris
@ Mrs Morris,
Thankyou for the great reply to me on this blog post about QuadBlogging.
Thankyou for the great blog comment on my blog post Mrs Yollis, Mr Avery and Mrs Makansey and B4 left a blog comment as well and also Hannah and one more AA.
I am going to sing the birthday song now for you birthday,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Mrs Morris,
Happy Birthday to you!
Again thankyou for the great reply.
Your sturdent,
@ Mikayla,
Thanks so much for that lovely song! You are a special student.
I’m glad other teachers left comments for you because I told them about your great post on Twitter.
Your teacher,
Mrs Morris
@ Mrs Morris,
thankyou for telling the techers on twitter.
I am glad that I got comments from techers as well.
That is ok that I song you the birthday song.
I really like your reply to me.
Your student,
@ Mrs Morris,
I love your post!
I loved your video!
I think quad blogging is a really good idea!
See you on Monday at school.
Best Wishes,
@ Hannah,
Thank you! Have a nice weekend. I will see you tomorrow.
Your teacher,
Mrs Morris
Dear Mrs Morris,
Happy birthday. I wrote a post for your birthday so Jordi did.
I loved the video it was great.
From your student,
@ Ava,
Thank you so much! I have left you a comment.
Your teacher,
Mrs Morris
Dear Morris,
Thank you for replying back to me.
Yes I saw your lovely comment.
From your student,
Dear Mrs. Morris,
Great post! You’re a great teacher.
I did a post about your birthday. I also saw your GREAT comment.
I love the video. It was so interesting.
Fantastic post.