I began this blog, Integrating Technology in the Primary Classroom on 14th March 2009.
I started the blog with the initial goal of sharing ideas and resources. The purpose of this blog has changed from resource sharing to reflection, advice and discussion of issues surrounding blogging, global collaboration and technology integration.
Two years on, I still love blogging as much as ever. I think it is a great way to organise and explore your thoughts, and get feedback from others.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of my blog readers for your support!
Hopefully my blog will have many more milestones!
Last year I polled my readers on what sort of posts they’d like to see more of. I thought it would be an opportune time to run a poll again. Please tick all that apply.
Happy Blog Birthday and thanks for sharing.
Happy birthday! Here’s to many, many more birthdays (and lots more great blog posts!)
Hello Kathleen,
A very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your fabulous blog. You are truly inspirational to teachers and students globally.I have learnt so much by quietly following you and your team of contacts via Twitter and your blog. Thanks SO much and best wishes,
Enjoy your Labour Day holiday,
Happy Bithday for two successful years of blogging! You are an inspiration to all educators! Keep blogging!
Thanks everyone for your ongoing support and birthday wishes! I really appreciate it!
Happy blogging birthday Kathleen. I am in awe of what you do, how you express your enthusiasm and knowledge and how willing you are to share. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
@ Michelle, haha that is high praise…thank you!
My blog wouldn’t be the same without the wonderful support, feedback and perspectives from people like you!
Maintaining such a successful blog over two years is a great achievement, so you deserve the high praise!
Working alongside you every day, I know how hard you work and all of your blogging is done in your own time at home. But I also know how much you love it and that you wouldn’t have it any other way!
I am so glad you introduced me to the world of blogging, our teaching is so much better for it!
@ Kelly,
Thanks! As we both know, maintaining the blog is much more difficult than starting it, however we have realised the benefits of blogging, personally and for our students. It is very worth it.
It’s rewarding to hear that I’ve been able to help other teachers with their own technology journeys and that, combined with the benefits of self-relection, encourages me to continue!
Dear Mrs Morris,
A very BIG happy birthday. Wow what an awesome achievement to you too the time the effort which you put into your blogs is just outstanding. You are an great example of what can be achieved when you believe in something worth wild. It is a real credit to you and to think you do this while working full time too. I, do agree with Michelle I am in awe too.
Just think how many doors you have opened to this wonderful concept of blogging.
I can only see this concept of blogging getting much larger with more people joining the blogging train.
Hoping I will be with you for your nexted and many more blogging birthdays.
I truly thank you on so many levels.
@ AA,
Thanks so much for your support! I’m so glad there are parents out there who love to embrace new technologies as much as you do! I really appreciate the way you help to spread the word too.
It’s nice to know that I’ve been able to help all sorts of people get on board the blogging train (I love that term! :lol:)
What a great way to celebrate a blogging birthday with a public holiday!
See you soon,
Dear Kathleen,
I don’t know how you do it, but I’m glad you do!
One of the things I love about this blog is that you bring up hot topics that need discussion. You are always straight forward in your presentation and welcome a variety of voices! I appreciate all of your effort!
Happy, Happy Birthday!
@ Linda,
Thanks so much for your kind words. My blog had a great birthday! It was a public holiday here in Victoria.
As I’ve mentioned, I just love the way the blogging process really helps to organise your thoughts. It is a great way to think about what you think!
Happy Bithday for successful 2 years of blogging! I hope you have good time with your followers.