Ed Tech Crew Podcast

Ed Tech Crew is one of my favourite podcasts.

Every week or two Darrel Branson (The ICT Guy) and Tony Richards from itmadesimple.com discuss all things to do with technology in education.

I am often blown anyway by the amount I can learn by listening to an episode of the Ed Tech crew so I would recommend it to all teachers. There are always great sites and teaching ideas mentioned.

The great thing I find about podcasts is that you can listen while doing something else. I love to listen while running or cooking!

On Monday I was interviewed on the Ed Tech Crew about how I use technology in my classroom and how I promote technology to other teachers. You can listen to it here or on iTunes (you can search for Ed Tech Crew in the iTunes store).

Ed Tech Crew

What podcasts do you listen to?

3 Replies to “Ed Tech Crew Podcast”

  1. Thanks for the recommendation, I have never listened to this podcast. Where am I going to find more hours in the day to take advantage of all of these awesome resources?!

  2. Really enjoyed listening to your episode (my first podcast listen EVER)! Well done to you and the Ed Tech Crew.

    I listened to a few more Ed Tech Crew podcasts as well, and loved them. From listening to them I have already found some great sites and another podcast they recommended was Apples for Kids- all about using all things apple in the classroom. And me being a dedicated Mac and apple user, LOVED that podcast. I would recommend that.

    Now look what you have done… you have me hooked on yet another “technology teacher toy”!! You continue to inspire me with your recommendations and keep me learning and evolving! Love that!
    Thanks Kathleen!

    1. @ Kelly, I know what you mean, I have narrowed my podcast selection down to a select few because there are not enough running and baking hours in the day to listen to them all!

      @ Aine, thanks for your comment! Glad I’ve got you into podcasts….they are a great way to learn and multi-task. I hadn’t heard of Apples for Kids, will have to check that one out. Check out the Virtual Staffroom too.
      Happy listening!

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