Another Cool Blogging Tool

I found out about the site Page Plugins on Mary Ellen Lynch’s classroom blog. It is another fun tool to add something different to blog posts. On the site, you can create all sorts of visuals from glittering text (above) and Easter Bunny notes (below) to embed on your blog. There is also a range of clocks, calendars, widgets and fun Flash tools. I will be adding this one to my page of Web 2.0 Tools to Embed on Your Blog and look forward to using it on my class blog next term. Check it out!

Easter Note Generator

3 Replies to “Another Cool Blogging Tool”

  1. Fun! We are starting to work on blogs again next week, students will love decorating their blogs this way.

  2. I love the things you can create using this site! It’s great to find new ways to make a blog post look interesting and fun.

    Thanks so much for sharing it! 🙂

  3. Hmmm…not sure whether to thank you for this link or not 🙂 I’m wasting a lot of time playing!

    My kids will love it!

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